The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta
This research is aimed at assessing the implementation of a productive waqf program aiming at empowering Pondok Pesantren towards a self-sufficient educational institution. Research is conducted at Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang Central Java and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya East Jakarta. To identify the impact of productive waqf on pesantrens' self-sufficiency, a comparative study is conducted. The data-collection method used in this study is by distributing questionnaires and conducting direct, in-depth and in directinter views with key stakeholders connected to waqf management at the Pondok pesantren to study the implementation of a productive waqf scheme for self-sufficient funding and to provide the reliable and affordable cost for qualified and modern education. The study finds that (1) Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang is more self-sufficient than Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta since the former implements a productive waqf scheme successfully, permanency of fund source to support the operational costs and expand, infrastructure, and better welfare of teachers staff.
Productive waqf, Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang, Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta, Self-Sufficiency
(1) Mujiyanto Muhammad Jumain
School of Government and Public Policy, Indonesia.
(2) Nagina Gul
Assistant Professor of Management Sciences, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(3) Mir Hassan
MS. Scholar, School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP), Indonesia.
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APA : Jumain, M. M., Gul, N., & Hassan, M. (2022). The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta. Global Legal Studies Review, VII(II), 1 - 15 .
CHICAGO : Jumain, Mujiyanto Muhammad, Nagina Gul, and Mir Hassan. 2022. "The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta." Global Legal Studies Review, VII (II): 1 - 15 doi: 10.31703/glsr.2022(VII-II).01
HARVARD : JUMAIN, M. M., GUL, N. & HASSAN, M. 2022. The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta. Global Legal Studies Review, VII, 1 - 15 .
MHRA : Jumain, Mujiyanto Muhammad, Nagina Gul, and Mir Hassan. 2022. "The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta." Global Legal Studies Review, VII: 1 - 15
MLA : Jumain, Mujiyanto Muhammad, Nagina Gul, and Mir Hassan. "The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta." Global Legal Studies Review, VII.II (2022): 1 - 15 Print.
OXFORD : Jumain, Mujiyanto Muhammad, Gul, Nagina, and Hassan, Mir (2022), "The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta", Global Legal Studies Review, VII (II), 1 - 15
TURABIAN : Jumain, Mujiyanto Muhammad, Nagina Gul, and Mir Hassan. "The Productive Waqf Impact upon Pesantrens' Self-Sufficiency: A Comparative Study of Pondok Modern Tazakka Batang and Pondok Pesantren Modern Sulthon Auliya Jakarta." Global Legal Studies Review VII, no. II (2022): 1 - 15 .