INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS OF WATER GOVERNANCE IN PAKISTAN      10.31703/glsr.2018(III-I).02      Published : Dec 2018
Authored by : Muhammad Ali , Suneel Kumar , Pasand Ali Khoso

02 Pages : 10-20


  • Ahmed, K. (2003). 'We have swept away in a flood of foreign expertise'. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 86-89
  • Ahmed, M. (2003). Issues in Water Policy Reforms. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 73- 81
  • Ahmed, N. & Khan, A. (2009). Neo-liberal Governance and Poverty in Pakistan. SPDC Conference Paper No. 62. Pp. 1-14
  • Akhter, M. (2015). Infrastructure Nation: State Space, Hegemony, and Hydraulic Regionalism in Pakistan. Antipode 47(4), pp. 849-70.
  • Akhter, M. (2015). The hydropolitical Cold War: The Indus Waters Treaty and state formation in Pakistan. Political Geography. 46, pp, 65-75.
  • Alavi, H. (1972). The State in Postcolonial Societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh. New Left Review, pp. 59-81
  • Bengali, K (ed.). (2003). The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press.
  • Bengali, K. (2009). Water Management under Constraints: The Need for a Paradigm Shift. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 45-63.
  • Bose, S. & Jalal, A. (2004). Modern South Asia: History, Culture and Political Economy. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Briscoe, J. Qamar, U. Contijoch, M. Amir, P. & Blackmore, D. (2005). Pakistan's Water Economy: Running Dry. Oxford University Press
  • Brohi, S. (2003). Drainage Crisis in Sindh: Environment Impact of LBOD and RBOD Projects. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 90-96
  • Brown, G. (2016). Pakistan: failing state or neoliberalism in crisis? International Socialism. Issue 150. As accessed on 01 April 2018.
  • Comaroff, J. & Comaroff, J. (2000). Millennial Capitalism: First Thoughts on a Second Coming. Public Culture. 12, (02). Pp.291-343.
  • Ercelawn, A. (2003). Water Reforms: Civil Society's View. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 112-117.
  • Gadi, M. (2003). Re-colonizing the Indus Basin Irrigation System. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 97-105.
  • Ganti, T. (2014). Neoliberalism. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 43(1), pp 43:89-104
  • Haines, D. (2013). Building the Empire, Building the Nation: Development, Legitimacy, and Hydro- Politics in Sind, 1919-1969. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Harvey, D. (2003). The New Imperialism. Oxford University Press.
  • Harvey, D. (2007). A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford University Press.
  • Hasan, A. (2003). National Water Plans and Socio-Economic Realities. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 82-85.
  • Houston W. H. (2017). Words between Lines: Development discourse on Dams for sustainable development and climate change future in Pakistan. MA Thesis. University of Oregon.
  • International Water Management Institute. 2004. Pro-poor Intervention Strategies in Irrigated Agriculture in Asia: Issues Lessons and Guidelines.
  • Kamal, S. (2009). Pakistan's Water Challenges: Entitlement, Access, Efficiency, and Equity. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 28-44.
  • Khan, F. (2009). Water, Governance, and Corruption in Pakistan. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 82-104.
  • Khepar, S.D., Gulati, H.S., Yadav, A.K., Brar, T.P.S. 2000. A Model for equitable distribution of canal water. Irrig. Sci. 19, pp. 191-97
  • Kugelman, M. (2009). Introduction. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 05- 27.
  • Mustafa, D. (2001). Colonial law, contemporary water issues in Pakistan. Political Geography 20, pp. 817-837.
  • Mustafa, D. Theory versus practice: The bureaucratic ethos of water resource management and administration in Pakistan. Contemporary South Asia, 11:1, 39-56,
  • Nandy, A. (1994). Culture, Voice and Development: A Primer for the Unsuspecting. Thesis Eleven, Number 39, 1-18. MIT
  • Qureshi, W. A. (2017).
  • Ribot, J. C. & N.L. Peluso (2003) A theory of access. Rural Sociology 68(2): 153-181.
  • Salam, S. Rehman, S. & Shah, M.A. (2012). Rainfall Trends in Different Climate Zones of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. 9(17), pp. 37.47.
  • Shastri A. (2001) Introduction: The Post-Colonial States of South Asia: Democracy, Identity, Development and Security. In: Shastri A., Wilson A.J. (eds.) The Post-Colonial States of South Asia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers
  • Siddiqa, A. (2007). Military Inc. Inside Pakistan's Military Economy. Oxford University Press.
  • Sikor, T. & Lund, C. (2009) Chapter 1, The Politics of Possession: Property, Authority and Access to Natural Resources, pp. 1-22. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Water Reforms: The World Bank's View. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 106-111.
  • Mulk, ul Shams. (2009). Pakistan's Water Economy, the Indus River System and its Development Infrastructure, and the Relentless Struggle for Sustainability. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 64-81
  • Ahmed, K. (2003). 'We have swept away in a flood of foreign expertise'. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 86-89
  • Ahmed, M. (2003). Issues in Water Policy Reforms. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 73- 81
  • Ahmed, N. & Khan, A. (2009). Neo-liberal Governance and Poverty in Pakistan. SPDC Conference Paper No. 62. Pp. 1-14
  • Akhter, M. (2015). Infrastructure Nation: State Space, Hegemony, and Hydraulic Regionalism in Pakistan. Antipode 47(4), pp. 849-70.
  • Akhter, M. (2015). The hydropolitical Cold War: The Indus Waters Treaty and state formation in Pakistan. Political Geography. 46, pp, 65-75.
  • Alavi, H. (1972). The State in Postcolonial Societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh. New Left Review, pp. 59-81
  • Bengali, K (ed.). (2003). The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press.
  • Bengali, K. (2009). Water Management under Constraints: The Need for a Paradigm Shift. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 45-63.
  • Bose, S. & Jalal, A. (2004). Modern South Asia: History, Culture and Political Economy. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Briscoe, J. Qamar, U. Contijoch, M. Amir, P. & Blackmore, D. (2005). Pakistan's Water Economy: Running Dry. Oxford University Press
  • Brohi, S. (2003). Drainage Crisis in Sindh: Environment Impact of LBOD and RBOD Projects. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 90-96
  • Brown, G. (2016). Pakistan: failing state or neoliberalism in crisis? International Socialism. Issue 150. As accessed on 01 April 2018.
  • Comaroff, J. & Comaroff, J. (2000). Millennial Capitalism: First Thoughts on a Second Coming. Public Culture. 12, (02). Pp.291-343.
  • Ercelawn, A. (2003). Water Reforms: Civil Society's View. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 112-117.
  • Gadi, M. (2003). Re-colonizing the Indus Basin Irrigation System. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 97-105.
  • Ganti, T. (2014). Neoliberalism. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 43(1), pp 43:89-104
  • Haines, D. (2013). Building the Empire, Building the Nation: Development, Legitimacy, and Hydro- Politics in Sind, 1919-1969. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Harvey, D. (2003). The New Imperialism. Oxford University Press.
  • Harvey, D. (2007). A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford University Press.
  • Hasan, A. (2003). National Water Plans and Socio-Economic Realities. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 82-85.
  • Houston W. H. (2017). Words between Lines: Development discourse on Dams for sustainable development and climate change future in Pakistan. MA Thesis. University of Oregon.
  • International Water Management Institute. 2004. Pro-poor Intervention Strategies in Irrigated Agriculture in Asia: Issues Lessons and Guidelines.
  • Kamal, S. (2009). Pakistan's Water Challenges: Entitlement, Access, Efficiency, and Equity. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 28-44.
  • Khan, F. (2009). Water, Governance, and Corruption in Pakistan. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 82-104.
  • Khepar, S.D., Gulati, H.S., Yadav, A.K., Brar, T.P.S. 2000. A Model for equitable distribution of canal water. Irrig. Sci. 19, pp. 191-97
  • Kugelman, M. (2009). Introduction. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 05- 27.
  • Mustafa, D. (2001). Colonial law, contemporary water issues in Pakistan. Political Geography 20, pp. 817-837.
  • Mustafa, D. Theory versus practice: The bureaucratic ethos of water resource management and administration in Pakistan. Contemporary South Asia, 11:1, 39-56,
  • Nandy, A. (1994). Culture, Voice and Development: A Primer for the Unsuspecting. Thesis Eleven, Number 39, 1-18. MIT
  • Qureshi, W. A. (2017).
  • Ribot, J. C. & N.L. Peluso (2003) A theory of access. Rural Sociology 68(2): 153-181.
  • Salam, S. Rehman, S. & Shah, M.A. (2012). Rainfall Trends in Different Climate Zones of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. 9(17), pp. 37.47.
  • Shastri A. (2001) Introduction: The Post-Colonial States of South Asia: Democracy, Identity, Development and Security. In: Shastri A., Wilson A.J. (eds.) The Post-Colonial States of South Asia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers
  • Siddiqa, A. (2007). Military Inc. Inside Pakistan's Military Economy. Oxford University Press.
  • Sikor, T. & Lund, C. (2009) Chapter 1, The Politics of Possession: Property, Authority and Access to Natural Resources, pp. 1-22. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Water Reforms: The World Bank's View. In Bengali, Kaiser (ed.). 2003. The Politics of Managing Water. Oxford University Press. Pp. 106-111.
  • Mulk, ul Shams. (2009). Pakistan's Water Economy, the Indus River System and its Development Infrastructure, and the Relentless Struggle for Sustainability. In Michael Kugelman and Robert M. Hathaway (ed.) 2009. Running on Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Pp. 64-81

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    CHICAGO : Ali, Muhammad, Suneel Kumar, and Pasand Ali Khoso. 2018. "Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in Pakistan." Global Legal Studies Review, III (I): 10-20 doi: 10.31703/glsr.2018(III-I).02
    HARVARD : ALI, M., KUMAR, S. & KHOSO, P. A. 2018. Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in Pakistan. Global Legal Studies Review, III, 10-20.
    MHRA : Ali, Muhammad, Suneel Kumar, and Pasand Ali Khoso. 2018. "Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in Pakistan." Global Legal Studies Review, III: 10-20
    MLA : Ali, Muhammad, Suneel Kumar, and Pasand Ali Khoso. "Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in Pakistan." Global Legal Studies Review, III.I (2018): 10-20 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Muhammad, Kumar, Suneel, and Khoso, Pasand Ali (2018), "Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in Pakistan", Global Legal Studies Review, III (I), 10-20
    TURABIAN : Ali, Muhammad, Suneel Kumar, and Pasand Ali Khoso. "Institutional Analysis of Water Governance in Pakistan." Global Legal Studies Review III, no. I (2018): 10-20.