
, Issue-II

(SPRING 2021)

01 - Constitutional Status of FATA: Pre & Post Merger Comparison of Legal & Administr
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).01      Published : Jun 2021

    FATA, located in northwestern Pakistan, was once a battlefield for nineteenth-century imperial domination. Soon after Pakistan's independence, various tribes admitted allegiance to the state. There was a separate political and administrative system in FATA; this system retained the traditional way of 'JIRGA' system in these areas, which were included in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan. After the... Details
    FATA Merger, Reforms, Constitution, Administration, Legal System
    (1) Aliya Waris
    MA student (session 2017-19) Department of Political Science, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Sadia Fayaz
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Aasia Khatoon Khattak
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Women University Swabi, KP, Pakistan.

02 - The Story Model of Judicial Decision-Making and Reasoning With Evidence
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).02      Published : Jun 2021

    The argumentative approach, the probability approach, and the story model are the three normative frameworks to reasoning with judicial evidence. The story model describes that judges reach the final conclusion by going through three different stages. The model also offered certainty principles, including evidential coverage, coherence, consistency, plausibility, and structural completeness to eva... Details
    Decision-Making, Story, Argumentative, Probability Approach, Judicial Evidence
    (1) Nasir Majeed
    PhD Scholar, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Ataullah Khan Mahmood
    Assistant Professor, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.

03 - Right to Financial Empowerment of Women: An Analysis of Sharia
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).03      Published : Jun 2021

    The position of women in the pre-Islamic era in the period of ignorance, called Jaliyah before the dawn of Islam, was very miserable. Women were just treated as inferior beings under customary tribal laws existing in Arabia. The inheritance was mostly passed by the male heirs, and the women had no property rights. In this article, a descriptive evaluation has been done regarding the distinctive Pr... Details
    Inheritance, Rights, Sharia, Woman
    (1) Fozia Naseem
    Assistant Professor, College of Law, GC University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Rao Qasim Idrees
    Assistant Professor, School of Law, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Abida Yasin
    PhD Scholar, Law College, University of Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

04 - Federalism and Provincial Autonomy in Pakistan: A Case of Balochistan
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).04      Published : Jun 2021

    The present study intends to explore the various aspects of the issue of provincial autonomy in the entire federation of Pakistan in general and in Baluchistan in particular and prescribes their possible resolution. Although federal system of government remains essential for diverse societies like Pakistan, it has not been able to lessen the grievances of its various units, particularly Baluchista... Details
    Federalism, Baluchistan, Provincial Autonomy, Aghaz -e- Haqooq e Baluchistan Package, 7th NFC Award, 18th Amendment
    (1) Khalid Javed Mittru
    PhD Scholar, Department of Pakistan Studies, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Tohid Anwar
    PhD Scholar, Department of Pakistan Studies, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Syed Aftab Hussain Gillani
    Chairman, Department of Pakistan Studies, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.

05 - Proactive Role of Public Prosecutors in the Administration of Criminal Justice:
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).05      Published : Jun 2021

    The public prosecution service is an inevitable feature of the Criminal Justice System (CJS). A key position is assigned to the public prosecutor in the administration of the CJS, who exercises considerable powers and responsibilities, who acts with independence, impartiality, and integrity. In present era, neither the rule of law can be upheld, nor can the human rights be protected without effect... Details
    Adversarial, Administration of Criminal Justice, Inquisitorial, Public Prosecution Service, Public Prosecutor
    (1) Muhammad Ramzan Kasuri
    Assistant District Public Prosecutor, Anti-Terrorism Court Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Ata Ullah Khan Mahmood
    Assistant Professor, Department of Law, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
    (3) Ghufran Ahmed
    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Sialkot, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.

06 - Mental Health Laws and Legislation: An Inchoate System in Pakistan..
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).06      Published : Jun 2021

    Mental health refers to the mental capacity and ability to understand things rationally. Mental health is mostly disturbed when a person is caught up in any mental disorder in the form of depression or any serious mental health disease. A syndrome that affects the cognition of a person and affects his psychological and causes mental dis-functioning is called a mental disability. People living in t... Details
    Disorder, Disability, Human Rights, Legislation, Mentally ill, Mental Health, Psychiatric Facilities, Psychologists, Social Workers
    (1) Samza Fatima
    Assistant Professor of Law, University Gillani Law College, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Bilal
    Assistant Professor of Law, University Gillani Law College, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Waqar Ahmed
    Student of LLB (Hons)

07 - The Law of Insider Trading in Pakistan: Focusing Associated Person Connected P..
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).07      Published : Jun 2021

    The legal mechanism that has been adopted for insider trading in Pakistan focuses on the associated and connected person includes Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969 and Companies Ordinance 1984. The paper discusses the key issues regarding the associated and connected person and legal regime regarding the effectiveness of insider trading in Pakistan. This paper examines the existing laws in Pa... Details
    Associated Person, Connected Person, Insider Trading
    (1) Najeeb ullah Khan
    PhD Scholar, Faculty of Shariah Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Ikram Ullah
    Assistant Professor Department of Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

08 - The Reclamation of Dispute Settlement Mechanism in WTO for Sustainability of Int
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).08      Published : Jun 2021

    The ideology of Bretton Woods for multilateral trading system buried in the USA during the reigns of Trump. He has not only reversed the 80 years' trade rules of the USA but poses a potential threat to Multilateral trade and endangered the WTO mechanism of dispute resolution by delaying the nominations forits Appellate forum. The present study focuses both on the potential crises in international ... Details
    Trade Conflicts Tariffs, Dispute Settlement, Anti-Dumping Measures, WTO, International Trade Law
    (1) Amjad Hussain
    Assistant Professor, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahzada Amir Mushtaq
    Doctoral Candidate at School of Law and Economics, Zhengzhou University, Henan Mainland, China
    (3) Muhammad Arif Saeed
    LLM, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan

09 - Cross-National Comparative Study of Labor Laws between China, India and Pakistan
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).09      Published : Jun 2021

    The labour laws of China, India, and Pakistan are compared in this article. It shows how imitative isomorphic propensities and basic concepts of justice like equality, equity, and necessity may have resulted in labour law parallels in all the three nations. Unique cultural, social, and historical variables, on the other hand, have resulted in considerable variations in these labour regulations. Un... Details
    Cross-national, Comparative, Labor Laws, China, India, and Pakistan
    (1) Zia-ud-Din Malik
    Lecturer, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Hamid Mukhtar
    Assistant Professor, School of Law, University of Okara, Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Kashif Mahmood Saqib
    Assistant Professor, School of Law, University of Okara, Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.

10 - A Doctrinal Analysis of Right to Education via Legislative and Judicial Discours
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).10      Published : Jun 2021

    Education is condition sine qua non for the development of a country. Therefore, international human rights law emphasizes the right to education with its categorical implementation throughout the globe.The constitutional backing in Pakistan was a principle of policy (Article 37) initially which was later on supplemented by the eighteenth Amendment. The Amendment not only recognizes the right to e... Details
    Human Rights, Education, Legislation, Eighteenth Amendment, Pakistan, Legal Obligation
    (1) Ammar Ali Sheikh
    Adjunct Faculty Member in Law, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad (UAJK), Pakistan
    (2) Syed Mudasser Fida Gardazi
    Assistant Professor, Department of Law, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
    (3) Adnan Rahman
    Lecturer in Law, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

11 - A Comparative Analysis of Implementation Outcomes and Consequences of e-Governan
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).11      Published : Jun 2021

    Nowadays, electronic governance has got importance due to its significant role in both developed and developing states ushered as a modern tool of governance. The core aim of e-Governance is to supervise and ease governance for residents, government, and businesses. There are basically four types of e-government services provided: Government to Business (G2B), Government to Government (G2G),Govern... Details
    Biometric, Independent monitoring unit (IMU), FIRs, Vehicle Verification System (IVS), Identification Verification System (IVS), Criminal Record Verification (CRV), Police Access Service (PAS) and Pol
    (1) Safia Jawad
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Brekhna Gul
    Lecturer, University College for Women, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Younas Khan
    Assistant Professor, Islamia College University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.

12 - The Study of Animal Rights and Related Laws in Pakistan
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).12      Published : Jun 2021

    The Islamic Republic of Pakistan like several other States of the world is a home to marvellous wildlife. There is a considerable variety of flora and fauna glorifying the landscape as well as forests of the country. This natural wealth of Pakistan is not being treated as it deserves for its continuous growth and preservation. Precious species of animals and birds are facing the risk of extinction... Details
    Animal Rights, Biodiversity, Conservations, Endangered Wild Species, Co-existence
    (1) Amjad Hussain
    Assistant Professor, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) A. Q. Sial
    Assistant Professor, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Ahmad Usman
    LLM Scholar, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.

13 - Role of Forensic Evidence in Pre-Trial Investigation and Benefit of Doubt in Mur
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).13      Published : Jun 2021

    This article discusses some murder trials in Pakistan during the year 2021 and underscores theevidence for the lack of pre-trial investigation and preparation of prosecution case as observed in such cases;and the impact of such lack of preparation of the case on the prosecution's interest in the justice system. Inorder to underpin the argument of this paper, 21 murder cases are chosen randomly fro... Details
    Forensic Evidence, Forensic Report, Pre-Trial Investigation, Criminal Justice
    (1) Atika Lohani
    Assistant Professor, Law College, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Aamir Abbas
    Assistant Professor, Law College, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

14 - Global Environmental Changes & Issues: The Engrossment of Pakistan Supreme Cour
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).14      Published : Jun 2021

    United Nations had taken initiative in 1992 to secure environment from the harmful effect it stated that "Stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system - to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner" (United Nations ... Details
    Environment Issues, Supreme Court, National Measures
    (1) Azmat Ali Shah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Siraj Khan
    Nawab Allah Nawaz Khan Law College, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Naghma Farid
    Nawab Allah Nawaz Khan Law College, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.

15 - Constitutionality of Law-making Process in Pakistan: A Critical Appreciation
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).15      Published : Jun 2021

    This is the age of information and awareness. Democracy cannot flourish without the involvement of the governed in all aspects of political life. Like good citizens, a question comes to mind to ask whether the Parliament of Pakistan is without any limitations in the area of legislation or whether there are constitutional limitations in this regard. Because it is the motto of a good citizen to obey... Details
    Parliament, Separation of Powers, Judicial Review, Legislation
    (1) Mumtaz Ali
    PhD Scholar, Department of Law International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Hafiz Aziz Ur Rehman
    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Shariah & Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan..

16 - Analysis of Terrorism Definition under Section 6 in Anti- Terrorism Act 1997
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).16      Published : Jun 2021

    To curb terrorism the Anti-Terrorism Act was sanctioned on 1997. The Aim of this act was to give a speedy result. There are numbers of ordinary cases within the jurisdiction of ATA. It is disturbing and uncertain why these cases were added in ATA. As a result, the difference arises between ordinary crime and terrorism act has been unclear and blurred. It plays a dual role i.e. constrictive and con... Details
    Anti Terrorism, Constructive, Superior Courts, Pakistan, and Interpretation
    (1) Naila Rafique
    Lecturer, Department of Law, Women University, Swabi, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Sarfaraz Khan
    Assistant Professor, Centre of Causaian, Asian Chinese and Pakistan Studies, University of Swat, KP, Pakistan.

17 - The New Frontier of Warfare: Evaluating the Role of International Humanitarian L
10.31703/glsr.2021(VI-II).17      Published : Jun 2021

    People & governments have become dependent on computer networks in the last few decades. Both the military & people use these networks to do things like shop online and control radars. A country's computer network system is very important from a military point of view in war. International Humanitarian Law is hard to follow when computers are used to help the military win a war. Schmidt (2... Details
    Modern Warfare Techniques, Cyber Attacks, and International Humanitarian Law
    (1) Saima Razzaq Khan
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Rubab
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Azmat Ali Shah
    Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
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